Makes and Models We Service

Makes and Models
Our Auto Electricians Service
Did you search for a mobile auto electrician because you are stuck somewhere in Melbourne’s western suburbs? Perhaps you cannot start your engine, or your lights have failed. We are fully mobile. We could be with you fast with all the spares we need to fix the problem, no matter what the make or model of your car.
We also need to know the make, model and year of your vehicle so we can bring the spares. Then relax, grab a cup of coffee and chill out while we do the rest. Our auto electricians can fix the electrics on any vehicle, and that includes these five leading brands plus the full list below.

Audi Auto Electrical Repairs
August Horch established Audi in 1899 as A. Horch & Cie. After his bust up with his partners they squeezed him out and prevented him from using his name in a similar business. His surname Horch means ‘listen’ in German. Audi means the same in Latin. Our Audi auto electrician thinks he had the last laugh! Audi’s name changed in 1932 after it merged with Horch, DKW, and Wanderer. The electrics must have been good because only Audi survived the merger to recover its own brand in 1970.

Ford Auto Electrical Repairs
Julz Auto’s Ford mobile auto electricians know the electrical ins and outs on every Ford that’s seen on Melbourne’s roads. They treat them with respect, as belonging to a pedigree Henry Ford began in 1903. He was a smart engineer, and a great philanthropist who paid his workers enough to afford the Fords they made. When Henry started selling cars, he needed an advertisement for the paper. He made one up using a childhood printing set. The only complete set of F-O-R-D blocks he had were in the famous font you see today.

BMW Auto Electrical Repairs
BMW started building aircraft engines in 1917 for the likes of the German fighter pilot the Red Baron, but switched to building cars when the war ended (although it kept the propeller as a memento). BMW is renowned for fast touring sedans and ‘pocket rockets’ derived from Formula One racing cars. Our skilled BMW mobile auto electricians know all the current and recent models well, although they are still itching to get their hands on the latest M5 high performance model!

Mercedes-Benz Auto Electrical Repairs
Karl Benz patented the first petrol-powered car in 1886 and went on to establish the Mercedes Benz empire. His ambition was to dominate on land, water and in the air with his powerful engines. His first badge was a three-pointed star. Later he protected pedestrians by setting it in a circle. Mercedes was the daughter of one of his racing drivers. She must have been a lovely girl to be immortalised by such safe and powerful cars. Our auto electricians sometimes wonder whether she appreciated the compliment!

Nissan Auto Electrical Repairs
Since its founding in 1933, Nissan has showed a dedication to innovation.Nissan has been committed to developing innovative technologies and products in the spirit of "doing what others don't dare to do" since its inception. It's in our DNA to constantly think about creating new value with groundbreaking technologies that go beyond mobility to transform the way we drive and live.

Toyota Auto Electrical Repairs
In 1933, Sakichi Toyoda had spare capacity in his factory where he wove material, and being an engineer thought he would add a motorcar line. He did well. In 2008, Toyota car sales exceeded General Motors, making it number one in the world. He changed the name to Toyota in 1937 because his family name meant ‘fertile rice paddies’ which he felt made it sound old-fashioned. The overlapping ovals in the logo are symbolic. The bottom pair represent trust between Toyota and its customers. The wider oval above is a symbol of expansion throughout the world.

Holden Auto Electrical Repairs
Holden Saddlery, founded by James Alexander Holden in Adelaide, quickly established itself as a prominent manufacturer of horse saddles, harnesses, and equipment. During the Boer War, the company supplied horse equipment. It gradually shifted its focus to car hardware manufacture.After his father's death in 1887, James's son Henry James Holden took over the firm, launching Holden on the path to being one of Australia's top vehicle manufacturers.

And Many More!
Julz Auto’s mobile auto electrician service also extends to the following manufacturers: BMW, Audi, Ford, Mercedes, Toyota, Nissan, Holden, Honda, Mitsubishi, Jaguar, Volvo, Mazda, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Jeep, and Subaru.If you have an electrical problem with your vehicle and are in Melbourne, call 0419 895 041. We will be there in a flash the soonest that we can.