Car Battery Replacement & Dual Battery Systems

Mobile Car Battery Replacement
The battery is a vital part of your car’s electrical system and should be regularly maintained and tested to avoid your vehicle failing to start. Car batteries typically need replacing every 3 years.
The cause of a flat battery may be the battery itself or another component of the charging system.
Car battery replacement can be confusing with so many different options. Our expert knowledge of car batteries means we can choose the best battery option for any make or model.

What We Do
Inspecting All the Components and Diagnose, and Repair Faults Quickly
Dual Battery Installation
Car Battery Replacement

Dual Battery Installation
Installing a second battery to the vehicle is by far the best approach to powering accessories such as a fridge winch and lighting.
Dual battery systems provide additional reliability and extend battery life.
Because your vehicle’s starting battery can be isolated from the appliances, it will never be drained or subject to regular heavy discharge which drastically shortens the life of starting batteries.
The second battery (usually a deep cycle) charges when your car is running. Should there be an issue with your starting battery, switching off the isolator can get your vehicle started from the second battery, especially useful for 4WD enthusiasts.
One of the most vital aspects of your vehicle is its battery. It is essential to your car’s electrical system and it is recommended that you have your car battery regularly maintained and tested; otherwise, as a result, you may have trouble getting your vehicle to start, which is a stressful scenario in which you would surely want to avoid. In most cases, it is recommended by experts that you have the battery of your car be replaced every 3 or so years.
If you find that your battery has gone flat, your car will not be able to start as a result. In many situations, you will find that car electricians recommend that you have your battery replaced at this point. The battery, however, might not actually be your problem. It is possible that another component of your vehicle’s charging system is the thing that is giving you trouble, so in order to avoid a waste of money in replacing the battery only to find that it wasn’t your problem in the first place, it is a good idea to have the charging system checked first to ensure that the charging system is not actually the problem. At Julz Auto Electrix, every highly qualified and experienced auto electrician here will be sure to ensure that the battery is actually the problem before replacing it, so you aren’t paying any unnecessary costs to run up your bill at the end of the day.

Dual Battery System and Car Battery Replacement
If you need an mobile car battery replacement in Melbourne, our auto electricians would be happy to make the trip over to you so you don’t need to have to worry about adding the towing cost to your estimate when trying to decide what a repair is going to cost you if you have a dead battery. You don’t need to worry about finding a way to transport your vehicle to us, because we can come to you and have your car diagnosed repaired that way.
Because there are so many options to choose from in the field of battery replacement, things can quickly get confusing when it comes to deciding what path to choose for your mobile car battery replacement. This is why every member of our staff possesses the expert knowledge of car batteries necessary to allow us to choose the best battery option for any make or model. This way, you can trust that the battery you are ending up with is the best one for your personal mobile car battery replacement in your particular situation. At Julz Auto Electrix, we want to see you get the most benefit out of your mobile car battery replacement, so we are sure not to cut any corners, do things right the first time, and help you to make the best decision possible when it comes to choosing the right battery to replace your old one with for your specific make and model of your car.
Even if you are not in need of mobile car battery replacement in Melbourne at this time, you might still be interested in a number of other procedures being performed on your car’s battery. One other procedure that many find very beneficial to have implemented into their car is a dual battery setup for their vehicle’s battery system. The purpose of installing a second battery into a vehicle is to extend the life of the battery and to provide additional reliability to the vehicle’s battery system. This dual battery systems installation is by far the best approach that users can partake in to allow additional accessories to receive adequate power while in the vehicle; such accessories might include a fridge winch and lighting options. If you have accessories in your car that you feel may benefit from additional battery power, or if you would simply like to provide your car with an extended battery life and additional reliability, then a dual battery system installation might be the right choice for you.
How these dual battery setup systems work is they consist of a starting battery and a second battery, which is typically a deep cycle in most situations. The starting battery is often isolated from the other appliances on your vehicle, which means that it will never become drains or subject to regular heavy discharge, which is what typically shortens the life of most starting batteries by a drastic amount. This is the battery that will start your vehicle whenever you turn it on, while the second battery charges during the time that your vehicle is running. If ever an issue does happen to arise with the starting battery, it is possible to switch off the isolator. This will enable you to be able to start your vehicle from the second battery, rather than the first. If you are a 4WD enthusiasts, you will find this feature to be especially useful.
We at Julz Auto Electrix are able to install such a battery system for you, so if you have any questions, you can give us a call and we can have all of your questions answered by a qualified and professional electrician from our team of experts.
Whether you are in search of a new car battery of if you are looking to have a dual battery system installed, you will find that the Julz Auto team is capable of helping you by fulfilling all of your needs when it comes to your car battery requirements. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at Julz Auto Electrix and we will help you out with any inquiries you have. After you have all of your questions answered, if you are ready to get started on your mobile car battery replacement in Melbourne or dual battery setup, then we will be happy to get started by helping you facilitate the process to make it all happen as quickly as possible so you can have the battery system that your car needs working exactly how you need it to. The Julz Auto team can deliver and install a new car battery or dual battery system for you.